Resources ordered by the chapter they are most heavily related to. Referencing format: CSE Manual.
Nielsen M, Chuang I. 2010. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. Cambridge (England): Cambridge University Press.
Sutor R. 2019. Dancing with Qubits. Birmingham (England): Packt.
Kitaev A. 1997. Quantum computations: algorithms and error correction. Russian Mathematical Surveys. 52(6):1191-1249.
Ekert A, Hayden P, Inamori H. 2008. Basic Concepts in Quantum Computation. arXiv.
Zetie K, Adams S, Tocknell R. 2000. How does a Mach-Zender iterferometer work?. Physics Education. 35(1):46-48.
Glendinning I. 2010. Rotations on the Bloch Sphere Lecture Notes. University of Vienna.
Lala P. 2019. Quantum Computing: A Beginner's Introduction. New York (NY): McGraw-Hill Education.
Aaronson S. 2008. The Limits of Quantum. Scientific American. 298(3):62-69.
Garcia-Escartin J, Chamorro-Posada P. 2011. Equivalent Quantum Circuits. arXiv.
Crooks G. 2019. Gates, States, and Circuits. ThreePlusOne.
Arute F, Arya K, Babbush R, et al. 2019. Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor. Nature. 574(7779):505–510.